Pictures made during our visits to Namibia in 2016 and 2018. Both trips we stayed at Tivoli astrofarm, where we could use bigger equipment to capture in more detail. During the roundtrip on both visits, I used sveral smaller scopes and lenses to capture the universe under one of the best and darkest skies seen around the world.
In additon, some shots were taken in for example South Africa when we crossed the border.

Click this image for a stunning panorama. Scroll around to see a full 360 degrees view!
The Picture is made at Camp Kipwe, Namibia, a beautiful lodge!
All panorama’s were taken 16 x 30 sec. exposures with a Nikon D810a and 10.5 f2.8 Nikon fisheye. Processed in PtGui and made broadcast ready with Pano2VR.
This image, or rather series of images, is taken at the observatory at Tivoli astrofarm at the far end of the lot. Click on it!
Nice view with the palm trees as a backdrop at Tivoli. Click for virtual tour.